Laser components, other (10 exhibitors)
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45100 Orleans, France
Manufacturing of optical components for prototypes to large volume up to 2m
60486 Frankfurt, Germany
HaphiT offers high power and pulse power passive fiber components, 405-2100nm.
55294 Bodenheim, Germany
You will find iC-Haus GmbH also at automatica in Hall B5 booth 408
82140 Olching, Germany
LASER COMPONENTS creates photonic solutions for the complex challenges of today.
Charlotte, NC 28273, USA
A new line of TGG and KTF Faraday rotators are now available.
London SW1W 9TR, Great Britain
We supply Nd:YAG, CTH:YAG, Ruby & Ti:Sapphire crystals plus optical components.
85232 Bergkirchen, Germany
85643 Steinhöring, Germany
World-class Laser Diodes: UV-NIR (375–852nm) & LEDs: UV-SWIR (365–1900nm)