26th World's Leading Trade Fair with Congress for
Photonics Components, Systems and Applications
June 27–30, 2023 | Messe München
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ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics)

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The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is the world's largest and most advanced collection of high-power lasers.
As an international user facility dedicated to multi-disciplinary science and research applications ELI provides access to world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and enables cutting-edge research in physical, chemical, materials, and medical sciences, as well as breakthrough technological innovations. ELI is a multi-site research infrastructure, based on three complementary facilities specialised in different fields of research with extreme
light: ELI Beamlines in Dolní Břežany (Czech Republic), ELI ALPS in Szeged (Hungary) and ELI Nuclear Physics in Măgurele (Romania)


ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics)
Reactorului 30, 077125 Magurele, Romania