26. Weltleitmesse und Kongress für Komponenten,
Systeme und Anwendungen der Photonik
27.–30. Juni 2023 | Messe München
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Stuttgart Instruments offers ultrafast and widely tunable infrared lasers.


Stuttgart Instruments is specializing in the field of widely tunable and fully automated high-performance infrared laser sources. The systems can cover a spectral range from 700 nm to 20 µm wavelengths, while maintaining high output power at Milliwatt to Watt-levels. Femto- to picosecond pulses at several MHz pulse repetition rates can be provided and the lasers are characterized by outstanding low noise and passive long-term stability. They are therefore particularly suited for spectroscopic applications requiring high sensitivity and specificity. Multiple systems are already in use at universities and research facilities around the world and have made numerous new scientific papers possible, e.g. in the fields of SNOM and FTIR spectroscopy or hyperspectral imaging.
