26. Weltleitmesse und Kongress für Komponenten,
Systeme und Anwendungen der Photonik
27.–30. Juni 2023 | Messe München
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Prizmatix specializes in ultra high-power LED illumination systems for microscopy and other scientific / industrial applications. Our multidisciplinary team has expertise in optics, electronics, optomechanics, optical fibers, software, biocompatible materials & medical devices. With over 15 years’ experience, our systems incorporate the latest technology, offering versatility in light delivery and light sensing. Prizmatix experts work to understand your needs and offer cost-effective solutions for product design, prototype development and small-scale manufacturing. Prizmatix LED solutions are ideal for: fluorescence microscopy, optogenetics, biomedical device development, fluorescence spectroscopy, UV curing, materials analysis, semiconductor inspection, and OEM / industrial solutions.

