26. Weltleitmesse und Kongress für Komponenten,
Systeme und Anwendungen der Photonik
27.–30. Juni 2023 | Messe München
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Arizona’s Cluster for Optics, Photonics and Astronomy


Arizona is home to world-class businesses and scientific/educational institutions with decades of innovation and leadership in optics, photonics, and astronomy. Optics Valley is the industry cluster that helps its members thrive through business acceleration, workforce development, startup support, and connections to local and worldwide opportunities. Our mission is to catalyze, convene and connect optics, photonics, astronomy and supporting interests. With support from the Arizona Optics Initiative, we cooperate with our Arizona businesses, our universities, technology parks, local community colleges, high school systems, as well as federal, state, and local government, and the Global Photonics Alliance. Find Arizona optics suppliers by exploring the Optics Valley Resource Directory.
