Fiberlogix Passive Components for High Power Lasers
- Polarizers: Polarized beam increases the cutting/marking efficiency required for ablation and material processing with minimum impact on power budget. Polarizers are designed for MOPA systems for seed/1st amplifier polarization, on custom fibers
- Isolators: Excellent isolation up to 20W, high power isolators are for protection of pump diodes and power combiners
- High Power 1x2 & 2x2 PM Couplers/Splitters, 3 & 4 Port PM Circulators and 3 Port PBS & PBC
Fiberlogix to launch devices for 2um applications. Polarizers, WDM, Couplers/Splitters, Isolators and 3 & 4 Port SM/PM Circulators.
- Power monitors: Power Monitors, embedded into modular laser architectures, enable Power Monitoring in laser sections. Compact
and interface ready with DSP & Micros, Power Monitors increase reliability of systems and optimizing performances (power/beam quality).